It’s been awhile since I had a batch of new finds to share. Now I’ll overload everyone with five products that I’ve found, eaten, eaten and again, and wanted to share. 1. Ian's Organic Chicken NuggetsI’ve been in love with Ian’s Chicken Nuggets for as long as I can remember (and my gluten-free memory stretches back to 2003, so I’d say since around then). My eight-year-old appetite loved these things, and my 21-year-old one still craves them. I always manage some type of mouth burn because I don’t wait long enough for them to cool off before I dive in with the ketchup (don’t follow my example). When my dad went grocery shopping the other day, he came home with these organic, brown-rice crusted chicken nuggets. I was worried. They weren’t my beloved. They were some new fancy creation. But I still ate them. And they were still delicious! There really isn’t much of a flavor change. I have always been a big fan of Ian’s (they’re free of the top eight food allergens!), and I will always be. 2. Bare Apple ChipsTruth be told, I stumbled upon these bad boys close to two years ago. (I think I wrote a little love note to them on my old blog.) They’re amazing because they taste delicious, and the only ingredient is apples. Plain and simple. My favorite flavor is Apple Cinnamon, but then again I love Granny Smith, and I also can eat a bag of Fuji & Reds. So, basically, I’m a sucker for all of them. The Publix near my college used to sell Bare Apple Chips, and usually on sale, so each week I’d go and stock up on my favorites. Now I have my whole family hooked! 3. Organic Food Bar: Chocolate ChipHeaven. Literal chocolate chip chunks melt in your mouth while the chewy, creamy bar supporting the weight of the divine has 10g of protein. The bar itself is gluten-free, raw, organic, and non-GMO. It’s made from almond butter, pea protein, pumpkin protein (WHO KNEW!?), some wonderfully yummy ingredients, and (get this) lots of love. 4. Pure KneadLook at that toast. Seriously though, have you ever seen a piece of gluten-free bread so perfectly browned and toasted? My dad is an independent distributor, and one of the companies he works for sells Pure Knead bread as their gluten-free alternative. This bread is actually pretty great for something gluten-free that isn’t homemade. When toasted, the outside gets extra crunchy, but the inside remains really fluffy and chewy. Before I go to the gym in morning, I pop a roll in the toaster, lather on some crunchy (the only way to go) almond butter, a little drop of honey, and dig in. 5. Homemade Chocolate Chip CookiesLastly, just a quick shout-out to the good ol’ Chocolate Chip Cookie. These aren’t a gluten-free find. They’re just gluten-free and downright delicious. (My sister begged me, annoyingly texting me pictures of cookies for days, until I said yes and made them for my parents to take to her one weekend. #bestbigsister)
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